Twitching In Sleep
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twitching in sleep

Experiencing jerks or twitching in your sleep? You are not alone! We have all been there at some point in our lives. It is really a bizarre phenomenon. You must be wondering what causes these twitches! Read on to know all about it.

What is sleep twitching?

Academically or in scientific terms it is known as a hypnagogic jerk, hypnic jerk, myoclonic jerk, or night start, these all are the same thing. These twitches usually occur while you are in between being awake and asleep. You may experience the following sensations:

  • Sudden jerking in arms or legs
  • A falling sensation
  • Muscle spasms

Causes of Twitching in Sleep

If all of it sounds familiar, don’t worry because you are not alone. There are very rare chances of something serious if you experience this, but if it is serious then it becomes important to have comfortable sleep. It is possible to have an undisturbed and comfortable sleep with Sleepsia Bamboo pillows. These pillows provide relaxing and comfortable sleeping conditions which will make your sleeping experience better.

Let us know the causes of twitching in sleep:

  • Caffeine Intake: If you consume caffeine in large amounts, then you are more likely to experience such twitches.
  • Stress: Even stress and anxiety trigger muscle twitching in your body. But with the soft and relaxing Sleepsia pillows, you can have a comfortable and calming sleep.
  • Poor Diet: Poor diet adversely affects every function of our body and a lack of a balanced diet can cause a lot of other troubles too apart from muscle twitching.
  • Post Workout: When you are working out for long durations or are going for a workout after a long pause then you might experience muscle twitching. This indicates that the muscles are recovering and relaxing.
  • Bad Habits: Smoking, drinking, drugs and other toxic habits can also cause muscle twitching during sleep.
  • Medications: Some medications or supplements may make your body more likely to experience these twitches. And certain medical conditions like spinal muscular atrophy also cause muscle twitches.

Can twitching wake you up?

Yes, twitching can wake you up, and also sometimes these twitches may go unnoticed. This depends on the intensity of muscle twitching. However, if you experience intense twitching then you might spend sleepless nights.

How to stop twitching in sleep?

Though there are no clear steps to avoid twitching some external factors can surely help you with sleeping undisturbed

  • Avoid Caffeine
  • Say no to late-night exercises
  • Have comfortable sleeping conditions

With continuous twitching, you might not be able to sleep properly, so it becomes really important to invest in good quality and comfortable pillow. And you can get all of it with Bamboo Pillow.


These twitches may not cause a lot of problems but if you are experiencing issues falling asleep then you should surely switch to Sleepsia Bamboo Pillow. This pillow will be your hero when you are not able to sleep properly.